Every year, our church has an
opportunity to take a huge
step of faith & obedience and
be extravagantly generous.

This year, we have a financial goal of $75,000. Even before the first gift is given, we are committed to giving away over 50% of the goal—$40,000—to advance God’s kingdom.

Our Hope Gift Offering is a three-part vision, and each part advances the kingdom of God locally, nationally,
and internationally.

 What could God do
with your "yes"?

God doesn’t need us to give, but He wants us to partner with Him to advance His kingdom.

We will use the remaining financial gifts to prepare ourselves for Hope Church's future expansion. Whether renovating or building a new facility, purchasing land, or launching another campus, we want to be financially prepared for what God has in store.

Giving is an act of
faith and obedience.

It’s one way of saying “yes” to God’s Word and ways.
When we give, the world is changed—
and our hearts are changed at the same time.