Dear Hope Church Family,

I love the Easter season! Easter at Hope Church is a powerful time to celebrate The Resurrection and The Life of Jesus as we focus on His victory over sin, death, and the new life He offers. At Hope Church, we’re experiencing this truth in amazing ways. Every month, we witness baptisms that declare a new life in Jesus. This year, we get the awesome opportunity to see this reality demonstrated powerfully in the lives of those telling the world that they were once dead in sin but have now been raised to a new life through Baptism at all 5 of our Easter services. We are so blessed that God continues to change lives as He grows and expands His Church. Our church is undoubtedly growing, a reassuring sign of God’s blessing as we partner to advance His church through steps of faith and obedience.

We have grown 88%, almost doubling in weekly attendance in the last 2 years. Amazing! Recently, we’ve added a third service to accommodate the growth. We have also continually renovated our facility to use every available space to reach as many people as possible. But we know this relief is temporary as we continue to grow monthly. We’re incredibly blessed to be in this position serving people who are hungry for true hope and eager to take their next step in following Jesus. But the reality is pressing: if we don’t continue to create more space, we’ll limit our ability to welcome others into this journey to follow, grow, and live for Jesus in the future.

So this Easter season, we’re launching a Special Offering with a goal of $75,000 to prepare us financially for our next step. Hope Church has been debt-free since May of 2022, and I am so proud of our church and the position God has allowed us to be in. Since then, we’ve been able to save more, and we currently have over $800,000 towards the future of our church. This Expansion Offering will be added to that amount, getting us closer to 1 million and toward our ultimate goal of having 2 million on hand for future expansion.

This Easter, we stand at a tremendous door of opportunity. I’m thrilled to see how God’s story unfolds as we step forward together. 

Thank you for your faith, generosity, and vision for what Hope Church can become!

-Tadd Grandstaff


Here’s How You Can Step Into This Moment:

  • Pray: Pray with us for God’s direction and provisions for our future.

  • Give: Offer a generous gift this Easter season—every dollar brings us closer to our goal of $75,000.

  • Invite: Invite others to join us in this amazing chapter in the story of Hope Church.

You can give throughout the Easter season—during services by using the brown boxes throughout our building, giving online at [Select “Expansion Offering” in the drop-down menu], or by mailing your gift to Hope Church 1606 W. Davis St. Burlington, NC 27215 [Write Expansion Offering in the Memo].